Distinguished Alumni Awards

Each year, the UNK Alumni Association recognizes outstanding alumni who are making significant contributions to their communities and businesses. We know there are many deserving alumni out there and we need your assistance with nominations.

UNK Alumni Association Awards are selected by a committee from the following categories:

  • Distinguished Alumni Award
  • Distinguished Young Alumni Award
  • Distinguished International Alumni Award
  • Jim Rundstrom Distinguished Service Award

Award recipients are recognized during UNK Homecoming weekend, held in October.

To nominate a Loper alum, please complete and return the UNKAA Distinguished Alumni Award Nomination Form 2025 or online form by March 31, 2025 to [email protected] or UNK Alumni Association, 2204 University Dr., Suite 103, Kearney, NE 68845-4929.

Outstanding teachers and administrators can be nominated via the UNKAA Distinguished Educator Award Nomination Form 2025 or online form by March 31, 2025 to [email protected] or UNK Alumni Association, 2204 University Dr., Suite 103, Kearney, NE 68845-4929.

Don’t let those outstanding Lopers go unnoticed simply because they weren’t nominated! Be a part of the process, nominate a Loper today!

Want to see all of our past award recipients? A list of all past award recipients dating back to 1980 is below.

2024 Award Recipients 

You can read more about these distinguished alumni here

Distinguished Alumni Awards

  • Myron Andersen (1972)

  • Cathy (Juelfs) Knutsen (1976)

  • Sue (Feaster) Wilcoxson (1971)

Jim Rundstrom Distinguished Alumni Service Award  

Terry Lewis (1978)

Distinguished Young Alumnus Award

Brandon Beebout, DVM (2010)

Distinguished International Alumna Award

Lina (Traslaviña) Stover, Ph.D. (2004)

Dr. Donald E. Fox Distinguished Chemistry Alumna Award

Abby (Roland) Sekle (2004, MS 2015)

College of Education Distinguished Educator of the Year

Patsy Koch Johns (1972)

College of Business & Technology Distinguished Alumnus

Bill Albin (1990)

Gary Thomas Distinguished Music Alumnus

Kory Reeder, Ph.D. (2016)

2024 Award Recipients


2023 Award Recipients 

Distinguished Alumni Awards

Brian Buhlke, D.O. ’93                                                                    Tim Carman ’84                                                                         Tim Schlattmann ’85                                          

Distinguished Young Alumnus Award
Dusty L. Birge ’11

Jim Rundstrom Distinguished Service Award
Ryan Tworek ’98

College of Business & Technology Distinguished Alumna  Alexi (Tice) Wellman ’92

College of Education Distinguished Educator of the Year    Maureen (Gaffney) Nickels ’74, MAE ’78

Dr. Donald E. Fox Distinguished Chemistry Alumna Award  Ruth (Udey) Harding, Ph.D. ’06

Dr. Gary Thomas Distinguished Music Alumnus Award  Justin Zeleski, Ed.D. ’05

2022 Award Recipients 

Distinguished Alumni Awards

 Gregg L. Christensen ’75                                                         Dan O’Neill ’81                                                                       Diane M. Simard ’88                                                                 Col. Scott B. Thompson ’83                                          

Distinguished Young Alumnus Award
Allston D. Marble ’08

Jim Rundstrom Distinguished Service Award
Jack C. Kreman ’04

College of Business & Technology Distinguished Alumnus                                                                              Larry L. Peterson, Ph.D. ’79

College of Education Distinguished Educator of the Year    John T. Street, Ed.S. ’75, MAE ’79, ’91, ED ’86 

International Distinguished Alumnus Award              Mahabir Pun ’92, MAE ’01 

Dr. Donald E. Fox Distinguished Chemistry Alumna Award  Cheri A. Barta Ph.D. ’02

Dr. Gary Thomas Distinguished Music Alumnus Award  Clayton P. Moyer ’01, MAE ’10

2021 Award Recipients 

Distinguished Alumni Awards

Meghan Barp ’99
Larry Feather ’66
Kirk Hartman  ’86                                                                    Dave Thorrell ’71

Distinguished Young Alumna Award
Melissa (Huffman) Bucher ’07

Jim Rundstrom Distinguished Service Award
Jeff Blackmon ’11

Chemistry Department’s Don Fox Lecturer 
April Montoya Vaverka, Ph.D. ’02

College of Education Distinguished Educator
Rebecca (Davis) Faber, Ph.D. ’79, MAE ’82

Dr. Gary Thomas Distinguished Music Alumna

Adam Zrust, Ph.D. ’06

College of Business & Technology Distinguished Alumnus 

Scott Cruickshank ’86

2020 Award Recipients 

Distinguished Alumni Awards

Phil Gaffney ’72
Mary (Kuk) Rosenthal ’88
Alan L Smith Ph.D.’64                                                          Robert Whitehouse’67

Distinguished Young Alumna Award
Brooke McGee ’08, MA ’11

Jim Rundstrom Distinguished Service Award
Lanny Jorgensen ’63 and Panda Jean Vest

International Alumnus Award
Thomas Crowther ’98

Distinguished Educator of the Year
Patricia (Morrison) Timm ’69

Dr. Gary Thomas Distinguished Music Alumna
Emily Balcetis, Ph.D. ’01

College of Business and Technology Distinguished Alumnus 
Terry Peterson ’75

2019 Award Recipients 

Distinguished Alumni Awards
Richard Davenport, Ph.D. ’67
Mark Graff ’79
Sandy (Holen) Johnson ’67
Mark Sanders ’76, MAE ’79

Distinguished Young Alumni Award
Krystle (Faust) Buntemeyer ’06

Jim Rundstrom Distinguished Service Award
Pete ’70 and Jane Kotsiopulos

Dr. Don Fox Lecturer
Tim Slocum ’00

College of Education Distinguished Educator
Mary (Van Ackeren) Clark ’86

Dr. Gary Thomas Distinguished Music Alumna
Nicole Elliott ’99

2018 Award Recipients

Distinguished Alumni Award 
Rakesh Srivastava ’02, MSE ’05
Roger Mathiesen ’73, MSE ’77
Michael Coe ’68, MSE ’74
Sandra (Bishop) Olson ’7

Distinguished Young Alumni Award 
Erica (Wendland) Lee ’03

Jim Rundstrom Distinguished Service Award 
Mat ’99 and Amy Cope ’99

Dr. Don Fox Lecturers
Kathleen McDonald ’87
Susan (McDonald) Fanta  ’89

Gary Thomas Distinguished Music Alumna
Kelly A. Miller ’93

College of Education Distinguished Educator
Don Clark ’95

2017 UNK Today Homecoming

UNK Alumni
Distinguished Alumni Award
Col. (Ret.) Jan R. Frye, ’72
LeRoy Swedlund, ’69
Shannon (Welch) Vesely, ’77, MAE ’79

Jim Rundstrom
Distinguished Alumni Service Award
Brenda (Snodgrass) Christensen, ’83

Distinguished Young Alumni Award
Dusty Reynolds, ’04

International Distinguished
Alumni Award

Francisco Hildago-Suarez, MBA ’80

College of Education
Distinguished Educator of the Year
Sandra (Thomas) Hanson, ’81, MAE ’89

Dr. Don Fox Lecturer
Julie (Slaughter) Larsen, ’77, MSE ’88

Dr. Gary Thomas
Distinguished Music Alumna

Sarah Ponder, ’03

25-year celebration
No awards presented

FALL 2015 UNK Today Homecoming

UNK Alumni Distinguished Alumni Award
Chuck Schwartz ’72
Julie Ignowski Speirs ’78

Jim Rundstrom
Distinguished Alumni Service Award
Sharron Jacobson Altmaier ’55

Distinguished Young Alumnus Award
Travis Miller ’01
Andrea Walton Miller ’02


2014 UNK Today Homecoming

Distinguished Alumni Award
Robert Hippe, J.D. ’63
Dr. David Jacox ’72
Mary Vaughn ’78

Jim Rundstrom
Distinguished Alumni Service Award

Ron Glandt
Myron Placek ’80
Gregg Grubaugh ’79

Distinguished Young Alumnus Award
Travis Hollman ’01
Dr. Angela Emrick Hollman ’01


2013 Award Recipients 

Distinguished Alumni Awards
Susanne Bloomfield Ph.D. ’68, MAE ’79
Harold Deselms Ph.D. ’64, MSE ’68
Terry Heimes ’68                                                                        John Leehy ’80

Distinguished Young Alumnus Award
Brad Bohn M.D. ’06

Jim Rundstrom Distinguished Service Award
John and JoDell Payne ’62 

Dr. Gary Thomas Distinguished Music Alumnus
Jeff Stelling ’93

2012 Award Recipients 

Distinguished Alumni Awards
Jamie Gutierrez ’89, ’90
Bill McGahan ’64, MSE ’68, MSE ’91
Jeanette Keller Wojtalewicz ’84                                                     

Distinguished Young Alumnus Award
Dan Whelan ’00

Jim Rundstrom Distinguished Service Award
Jerry and Nancy Stahr Dulitz ’65 


2011 Award Recipients 

Distinguished Alumni Awards
Andrew Aprill ’85
Jack Crowley ’60
Phyllis Markussen Ed.D ’69
Linda Nelson Timmons ’85

Distinguished Young Alumnus Award
Chad Vokoun M.D. ’96

Jim Rundstrom Distinguished Service Award
John Wolf ’73


2010 Program Link

UNK Alumni
Distinguished Alumni Award
Don Envick ’61, MSE ’65, Ph.D.
Dennis Pool ’70, Ed.D.
Carolyn Wagner Snyder ’64
Cameron “Cam” Sutton ’70

Jim Rundstrom
Distinguished AlumniService Award

Larry Edwards ’64

Distinguished Young Alumnus Award
Greg Daake ’98

2009 Program Link

UNK Alumni
Distinguished Alumni Award

LaVern Franzen ’67
Thomas Buecker ’73
Ron Larsen ’66
Teresa Kowalski Porter ’80

Jim Rundstrom
Distinguished Alumni Service Award

John E. Clinch ’62

2008 Program Link

UNK Alumni
Distinguished Alumni Award

Tom Carman ’71
Bill Dunn ’73
Dr. Jean Ochsner Lukesh ’85, MAE ’90, MSE ’93
Brenda VanLengen ’88

Jim Rundstrom
Distinguished Alumni Service Award

Kathy Horvath ’67
Dallas & Sheryl Wymore ’74


2007 Program Link

UNK Alumni 
Distinguished Alumni Award
Dwayne “Butch” Brown ’70
Kevin Rader ’84
Judy Henggeler Spohr ’63
Dr. Don Unger ’65, MSE ’69, Ph.D. ’80

Jim Rundstrom
Distinguished Alumni Service Award

Jeff Stelling ’93

2006 Program Link

UNK Alumni
Distinguished Alumni Award

Dr. Norris Haring ’48
Nancy Montanez Johner ’94
Dr. Gary Smidt ’59
Ron Williams ’67

Jim Rundstrom
Distinguished Alumni Service Award
Sue Batie ’73

Centennial Celebration
No awards presented

2004 Program Link

UNK Alumni
Distinguished Alumni Award
Judge Richard Kopf, ’69
Dr. Larry Peterson, ’79
Karen Wyatt Rhoads, ’81

Jim Rundstrom
Distinguished Alumni Service Award
Roger Jones, ’65

2003 Program Link

UNK Alumni
Distinguished Alumni Award

Dr. Kip Anderson, ’90
Jack Garlock, ’77
Joe Higgins, ’64
JoAn Scott, ’86

Jim Rundstrom
Distinguished Alumni Service Award

Paul Wagner, ’58


UNK Alumni 
Distinguished Alumni Award
Curt Coffman, ’84
Joe Green ’75
Dr. Larry Hardesty, ’69 & ’71
Dr. Marge Kindvall Harouff, ’62

Jim Rundstrom
Distinguished Alumni Service Award

Janell Godberson Beveridge, ’79

2001 Program Link

UNK Alumni
Distinguished Alumni Award

Joyce Focken Blackwell ’79
Lori Goa McClurg ’82
Dennis Nelson ’73
Larry Schulte ’70, MA ’78

Jim Rundstrom
Distinguished Alumni Service Award

Jim Armagost ’65, MAE ’67
Betty Jo Gillespie Armagost ’67

2000 Program Link

UNK Alumni
Distinguished Alumni Award

Ron ‘Gus’ Gustafson ’88
Jerry Kriha ’59
Marilyn Prososki McGahan ’65, MAE ’77
Paul Younes ’75

Jim Rundstrom
Distinguished Alumni Service Award

Jennie Silas Gutierrez ’73, MAE ’81
Dale Kastens ’64

1999 Program Link

UNK Alumni
Distinguished Alumni Award

Dr. Dianne Gabrukiewicz Bystrom ’75
Dayle Fitzke ’51
Judge Karen Jueck Hunt ’61
Dr. Robert Kupper ’73

Jim Rundstrom Distinguished Alumni Service Award
Jim Van Marter ’53


1998 Program Link

UNK Alumni
Distinguished Alumni Award

Dr. Tyler Martin ’81
Dr. Verla Worthing Robbins ’43
Dr. Mike Shada ’43
Jacklyn Brunke Smith ’72

Jim Rundstrom
Distinguished Alumni Service Award

Dottie Holcomb Lowe

1997 Program Link

UNK Alumni
Distinguished Alumni Award

George Beattie ’69
Dr. Tom Green ’77
Joyce Bryan Strout ’70
Dr. Gary Thomas ’55

Jim Rundstrom Distinguished Alumni Service Award
Ethel Rother ’73


1996 Program Link

UNK Alumni
Distinguished Alumni Award

Merle Hinrichs ’64
Bettelee Frahm Lewis ’47
Mark Lundeen ’81
Dr. Paul Paulman ’74

Jim Rundstrom
Distinguished Alumni Service Award

Dick Hock ’48

1995 Program Link

UNK Alumni
Distinguished Alumni Award

Ronald Crampton ’63
Dr. Elisabeth
Wright Erling ’42
Dr. Daniel Mowrey ’73
Dr. Larry Peterson ’58

Jim Rundstrom
Distinguished Alumni Service Award

Jean Nama ’53
June Nama Murty ’55

1994 Program Link

UNK Alumni
Distinguished Alumni Award

Jim Griess ’63, MSE ’68
Lucile Wiley Ring ’44
Dr. Warren Treptow ’75
Barc Wade ’48

Jim Rundstrom
Distinguished Alumni Service Award

Al Lybarger ’57
Addie Lewis Lybarger ’55

1993 Program Link

UNK Alumni
Distinguished Alumni Award

Karen Kilgarin ’79
Duane Obermier ’65
Dr. Kenneth Schroer ’69
E. K. Yanney ’49

Jim Rundstrom
Distinguished Alumni Service Award

Lori Lienhart Waters ’74

1992 Program Link

UNK Alumni
Distinguished Alumni Award

Betty Kort ’64
Dr. Daniel Lydiatt ’73
Norman Otto ’49
Juanetta Strohmyer ’66

Jim Rundstrom Distinguished Alumni Service Award
Joe Davenport ’53

1991 Program Link

UNK Alumni 
Distinguished Alumni Award
James Barton ’38
Dr. Lynn Casey ’65
Dr. Helen Stauffer ’64
Dr. Dick Triplett ’58

Jim Rundstrom
Distinguished Alumni Service Award
Dale Falter ’59
Joan Christ Falter ’59


UNK Alumni
Distinguished Alumni Award
Dr. Halvor Christensen ’35
Dr. Louis Kenney ’39
Celann LaGreca ’79
Dr. Joe Lutjeharms ’58

Jim Rundstrom
Distinguished Alumni Service Award

Maureen Neary Miller ’74



UNK Alumni
Distinguished Alumni Award
Dr. Neal Dunning ’44
Larry Hall ’64
Dr. Charles Lindly ’52
DiAnna Schimek ’63

Jim Rundstrom
Distinguished Alumni Service Award

Ron Landstrom ’53



UNK Alumni
Distinguished Alumni Award
Dr. Gary Haller ’62
Dr. Jim Hansen ’58
Larry Ludden ’46 
Scott Nelson ’71

Jim Rundstrom
Distinguished Alumni Service Award

Dallas Sinnen ’56


UNK Alumni
Distinguished Alumni Award
Dr. Carlisle Anderson ’36
Bill Beavers ’58
Thelma Lang ’59
Dr. Clifford Trump ’59

Jim Rundstrom
Distinguished Alumni Service Award

Dr. Ora Lindau ’41


UNK Alumni
Distinguished Alumni Award
Leland Holdt ’71
Dr. Elizabeth McMahan ’43
Jim Morey ’66
Dr. Leonard Skov ’56
Dr. Herbert Welte ’24

Jim Rundstrom
Distinguished Alumni Service Award

Connie Shivers Hatcher ’69

1985 Program Link

UNK Alumni
Distinguished Alumni Award
Homer McConnell ’27
Wayne McKinney ’48
Dr. Ward Newcomb ’44
Burnell Saum ’50

Jim Rundstrom
Distinguished Alumni Service Award

Barry Sherman ’64

1984 Program Link

UNK Alumni
Distinguished Alumni Award
Stan Miller ’66
John Payne ’62
Marilyn Peterson ’55
Bob Phares ’62

Jim Rundstrom
Distinguished Alumni Service Award
Don Briggs ’51, MAE ’57


UNK Alumni
Distinguished Alumni Award
Mildred Hansen ’28
John Marrow ’40
Wayne Smithey ’44
Dr. Don Welch ’54

Jim Rundstrom
Distinguished Alumni Service Award
Earl Rademacher ’54

1982 Program Link

UNK Alumni
Distinguished Alumni Award
Bill Milldyke ’58
John Mitchell ’47
Clayton Morey ’40
Edross “Kay” Uehling Robinson ’31

Jim Rundstrom
Distinguished Alumni Service Award
Jim Rundstrom ’64

1981 Program Link

UNK Alumni
Distinguished Alumni Award
Pete Kotsiopulos ’70
Dr. Clarence Lindahl ’29
Dr. Jim Nielsen ’45


1980 Program Link

UNK Alumni
Distinguished Alumni Award
Dr. Ewald Ehly ’58
Dr. Milton Hassel ’41
Richard Mengler ’33
Mary Elaine House ’40
Rae Weimer ’26

* No booklet available for this time period.